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St Paul's C of E Nursery & Primary School

Eco Warriors

Welcome to the page of the Eco Warriors! Here you will find all of the information about how we are trying to make St Paul's a little more environmental. 


"I want to be an Eco Warrior because I want to make the world a better place, starting with our school. Every time I go to the park, there is rubbish on the floor, I always pick it up!' Shayne

"It is important to be an Eco Warrior because everything on the planet needs to be loved and safe! I can ask other Eco Warriors to help me save the world" Olivia

"Being an Eco Warrior is important because we need to teach others how to help make the world a better place!" Ecaterina

"I like being an Eco Warrior because I can help pick up rubbish and put it in the bin and also tell other people that they shouldn't litter as this is very bad!" Boaz


Each class has either one or two, Eco Warrior representatives, elected by their peers in September after they have given a short presentation to show how they will meet the role and responsibilities of being an Eco Warrior. Eco Warriors meet every month with Mrs Morrison. During the meeting, the children share ideas to help our school to work towards becoming more Eco Friendly. 



This year, the Eco Warriors wanted to reduce the amount of litter in their local park, so that it is not a danger to wildlife or other park users. They were also concerned that the amount of plastic litter found in the park could potentially enter our rivers and oceans. They know how important it is to reduce the amount of plastic in the sea, as they have researched how marine animals can be affected by ingesting or becoming entangled in plastic.

Actions planned for 2024/2025:

  • Visits to local park to carry out a litter pick
  • Litter pick around school


The Eco Warriors were aware of how many items end up in landfill, when they could have been recycled or reused. The wanted to take action to reduce waste in our school community, by raising awareness of how items can be recycled/reused, especially with plastic packaging that is used in school and in lunchboxes i.e. crisp and biscuit wrappers. 

Actions planned for 2024/2025: 

  • On the waiting list to become a recycling hub for different items 
  • Planning a clothes recycling venture that means we can recycle clothes and get money for our school!
  • Flyers and posters to educate others on what we can recycle


Saving Food

Even though we do our best to eat the food we are given, there is always some waste. Any food waste produced from our meals in school is taken away and composted down by a local company which also decreases food miles.  Any waste that we are able to use in our Eco-Hub compost bins is transferred there to reduce food miles and we are looking to get some school wormeries to help us reduce food miles and food waste even more!


The Big Plastic Count
This year, the government is starting to decide on legal targets for reducing plastic waste. But at the moment, there’s nowhere near enough information about how much plastic waste leaves UK households, or what happens to it.  This is where the BIG PLASTIC COUNT begins.


Meat-free Mondays

Along with our caterers, CaterCater, our Monday menu is totally meat free! Eco Warriors have explored different avenues to make our school more environmentally friendly and reducing our meat intake is one way we can do this. Children now have two meat free options to choose from, or they can have a jacket potato - feedback has been great and Monday is often the favourite day for lunch!


Grow our own veg/fruit 
Northgate love growing their own fruit and vegetables. In addition to learning topics where we learn specifically about growing, we also have growing areas within out outdoor spaces. At every opportunity we talk about and discuss where food comes from and the part we play in this.


Plastic free milk! 

Eco Warriors have been looking into our milk supplier to try to reduce the amount of plastic bottles in our school. We are currently researching and writing to our local supplier to find out if they have any alternatives to the plastic bottles