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St Paul's C of E Nursery & Primary School

P.E. and School Sports


At St Paul's we are continually developing opportunities for our children to experience a wide breadth of P.E. and sport which has become even more important following the impact of nationwide lockdowns and limited access to outdoor spaces. Over the last two years we have worked hard to develop a whole school progression of knowledge, skills and opportunities for high intensity fitness provision at St Paul's. We have introduced and practised skills for Rugby, Football, Tennis, Basketball, Netball, Hockey, Table Tennis and Archery. This has provided the children with a wide variety of different sports and has greatly improved their gross motor skills.  


We are proud to provide pupils with additional opportunities for swimming and gymnastics using our local facilities, as well as holding a whole day Sports Day, a day where we can share and celebrate our sporting skills and it's always great fun!  Parents are encouraged to come along and cheer on their children, at lunch time share a picnic with them before the races begin again in the afternoon.   


Each year we recruit new Sports Ambassadors across the school to voice the opinions of each class. These pupils will have regular meetings with our P.E. Leader to discuss what clubs they would like, review the current clubs and to evaluate the effectiveness of PE. across the School.  This will be a big responsibility for our Ambassadors but our pupils embrace these roles and hugely contribute to improving PE and Sport. We also have Playground Buddies who support the adults outside at break and lunchtimes to provide high quality games and structure for the other children during their playtime - ensuring that we get as many children engaging in physical activity as possible each day. 


Our successful Football teams (both girls and boys) will once again take part in the Gloucester Primary Schools Football Association tournaments, as well as organising visits from local Tennis, Netball and Rugby stars to visit our children and showcase more about each sport.