School Dinners
Nutritious, carefully balanced healthy meals are cooked daily and brought fresh from the kitchens of CaterCater Ltd. Children who are in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 or who are entitled to Free School Meals are provided with a hot meal.
Please click here to see a copy of the menu for Autumn 2024 from 4th November
Please click here to see a copy of the Spring Menu which starts from 27th January 2025
EYFS and KS1 Pupils:
In line with recommendations from the School Food Plan (2013), the governing body at St Paul’s believe that pupils perform better when provided with a hot school meal at lunchtime. As such, we have a 'no lunchboxes' policy and all pupils in Key Stage 1 have school meals unless there are medical reasons why they should not. We cater for a range of dietary requirements, including vegetarian and halal. Vegan, Dairy Free and Gluten Free menus are available from the office for those that require them.
“The government’s stated aim is to improve academic attainment and save families money. Universal free school meals for all primary pupils were among the key recommendations of the School Food Plan, which presented evidence that universal free school meals can help improve health, attainment and social cohesion, and help families with the cost of living.”
“It is up to school’s to decide whether infant pupils may still bring packed lunches to school “
Children’s Food Trust.
Free School Meals:
You may be eligible for free school meals if you are on income support, Jobseeker’s Allowance or child tax credit. Please contact the office and staff will advise you how to register with the Local Authority. The school will receive £1340 of additional funding for each child registered for FSM.